
I have linked to my Delicious Website on this page. Delicious is a bookmarking website. On my delicious website I have an Educational Resources stack with links to many other useful educational websites.

Below is my Symbaloo. It has many links to useful websites for both teachers and students. The links in the top left are for interactive websites for students. The links on the bottom left are resources for teachers. The links in the middle are useful for both students and teachers. To navigate to one of the websites, just click on it. Symbaloo is a great and easy resource for teachers to create their own webmixes for students to use.

The video below discusses where education has come from, where it is now, and where it is going. It talks about the problems with the current system and possible ways to fix them.


Below is the QR code for my blog.

One website I often refer to for ideas is Energize the Classroom. This is a local teacher's website where he and other teachers post ideas for lessons or activities in the classroom. He speaks to teachers about ways they can "energize their classrooms" and invites them to share their ideas with him and others through his website.

Brownie Locks is a great resource to help plan "fun days" in the classroom. It has a list of all the holidays and observances for each year. Just choose a month and they're all listed there, for the month, each week, and each day. Have fun exploring the many holidays and observances and choose a few to celebrate that may not be so common, just for fun!

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